Grant FAQs
Our nonprofit receives two kinds of grants from you. What is the difference?
Fund holder advises from his/her named fund about the grants that to go to nonprofit. This is called a Donor Advised Grant.
WFACF also has competitive grant cycles. Nonprofit completes application, application is reviewed by WFACF Grant Committee, and grant award is made according to the Grant Committee’s selections.
Is a letter of intent required to apply for the WFACF grant cycle?
A letter of intent is no longer required to be submitted in order to apply for the WFACF Grant cycle. Eligible organizations submit a complete application through the WFACF Grant Portal by the deadline date as noted on the grant cycle.
Is a letter of intent required for the Volunteer Fire Department grant application cycle?
No, the letter of intent is not required for the Volunteer Fire Department grant cycle. See the VFD Grants for further details on that application process.
How do I submit an application for the WFACF annual grant cycle?
The WFACF Grant Cycle application will be available through the Grant Portal on the Nonprofit Login. The application will open on October 1st and the deadline to submit the online application is October 31st. Paper applications will not be accepted.
Are there restrictions on what a grant can be used for?
Yes, see Grant guidelines and grant restrictions under our Grant Policies section.
When will I know if my organization has been awarded a grant?
The grant applications are reviewed by the grant committee members, and recommendations are made to the Board of Directors. Once the awards are approved by the Board of Directors, letters will be emailed to all applicants. The annual WFACF Grant Cycle award notifications will be distributed in the first quarter of the year.
Once our organization has been awarded a grant, when will we receive the funds?
Grant award distributions vary by individual grant cycle. Most grant awards will be awarded within 30 days of WFACF receiving the signed grant agreement after the cycle is complete. The annual WFACF Grant Cycle awards will be distributed in first quarter of each year.
How often can I apply for a grant with WFACF?
WFACF has one annual grant cycle. Eligible organizations may apply each year.
My grant award agreement states that a final report is required. What information is needed on a final report?
Once you have completed your grant agreement, your organization will be assigned a Final Report form on your Dashboard. You may complete this form at any time after you expend the grant funds and the deadline to submit is within one year of your grant award notification. A complete final report form provides information regarding who received benefit from the award, how the award helped with your organizations mission, and if all funds have been expended. We encourage you to include any stories relative to the grant award that will help WFACF tell your story so that others can see how their future donations could help our community.