Grant Policies
In compliance with Wichita Falls Area Community Foundation’s (“WFACF”, “the Foundation”) Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws, grants are awarded
- to 501{c}3 charitable organizations as determined by the IRS, government entities, and other charitable activities/projects that relieve government of duty.
- for charitable purposes.
- at the discretion of the WFACF Board of Directors to assist, encourage and promote the well-being of mankind, regardless of race, creed, national origin or gender.
NOTE: Grants which appear to be exceptions to these policy guidelines are usually initiated by WFACF Grant Committee and approved by WFACF Board.
Types of Grants
Listed below are the different fund types from which WFACF awards one-time, occasional, or multi-year grants.
WFACF Grant: Grants are awarded once per year from WFACF Grant Endowment. There is one Grant Cycle per year. See WFACF Grant Process for more information. WFACF Grants Committee makes recommendations to be approved by the WFACF Board of Directors.
Donor-Advised*: Donor recommends grants; WFACF Grants Committee reviews, approves or disapproves recommendations to the WFACF Board for approval. WFACF donor-advised funds can be non-endowed or endowed. Recommendations and awards occur throughout the year.
Designated Grants*: Grants are distributed to agencies that are designated as recipients by donors’ fund agreements. WFACF designated funds can be non-endowed or endowed. Recommendations and awards occur during various times of the year.
Agency Endowment: Agency can request WFACF’s current spending rate from endowment for the purposes of funds for the agency. It is desirable to award one request per year, but quarterly requests may be considered.
Scholarships*: Students apply each year; selections are made by WFACF Scholarship Committee or WFACF approved Scholarship Committees; and approved by WFACF Board of Directors. Students may apply through the on-line electronic application process, unless otherwise noted on the specific scholarship fund. Scholarship applications open December 1st and the deadline is February 1st each year.
Project Grants: Charitable projects are usually initiated by a group for a specific purpose. Additional due diligence is performed to ensure the exact charitable purpose at the time of fund initiation. These funds can fundraise according to the WFACF Board Approved Fundraising Policy. After funds are raised, grants recommendations are reviewed, approved if so warranted by WFACF Board of Directors, and awarded with receipts for project-related expenditures required.
* Non-endowed: 100% available for grants
Endowed: Grants are limited to WFACF’s current spending rate
Geographic Region
WFACF Grant Cycle Grants are awarded primarily in the following Texas counties: Archer, Baylor, Clay, Montague, Wichita, Wilbarger, and Young.
Depending upon the grant cycle (i.e., Volunteer Fire Department Grants) these additional counties may be eligible for grant awards in North Texas: Childress, Cottle, Foard, Hardeman, Haskell, Jack, King, Knox, Stonewall, Throckmorton; and in Southern Oklahoma: Comanche, Cotton, Jackson, Jefferson, Stephens, and Tillman.
At the discretion of the WFACF Board of Directors, all other grant types can be awarded both inside and outside the service area defined above within the United States.
Grant Restrictions
The following is a list of restrictions that apply to WFACF grants:
- Fundraising expenses for a donor advised fund cannot be granted or expensed from said fund.
- Donor advised funds cannot award a scholarship for the benefit of an individual. This includes checks written to an entity for the benefit of a specified individual.
- Donor advised funds cannot be used to satisfy all or a portion of a pre-existing personal pledge or other financial obligation of the donor, advisors or any related parties.
- Donor advised funds cannot grant to an organization for the purpose of paying for an event, membership, or any purpose for which the donor or related parties will receive a tangible economic benefit, or which have a direct benefit for fund holder or immediate family members.
- Grants are not made to political candidates or for lobbying efforts.
- Grants are not made to private non-operating foundations.
- Grants are not made to individuals. Scholarship awards are granted to the educational institution for the benefit of the selected student recipient as outlined in the Scholarship Policy.
- Grants are not made to organizations or supporting organizations that are controlled by the donor or donor appointee.
- Grants are not made to Type III Support Organizations that are not functionally integrated.
- Grants made for charitable purposes to non-501(c)3 organizations must follow expenditure responsibility procedures, for which additional expenditure responsibility fees may be charged, as per WFACF fee schedule.
- Grants to international organizations will not be made EXCEPT–International grants will be made when the charitable entity is under a 501{c}3 as determined by the IRS, and has an office located in the United States, e.g. Doctors Without Borders, World Neighbors, etc.
Review and Revision of Grant Policy
The WFACF Grants Committee will periodically review this policy and recommend additions, deletions, or other revisions to WFACF Board of Directors for approval.
State, Federal and IRS Compliance
Grants comply with State, Federal, and IRS laws, as they may change from time to time.